
a love affair with kitch.

Two major things in my life have made me stop and take pictures of them, and so I think that warrants a blog post.

The first is that I found an Abraham Lincoln keychain in the parking lot.  It's pretty fantastic.  Lincoln (in the middle) spins around.   Possibly the best part is that I am currently in the middle of a book called Land of Lincoln: Adventures in Abe's America that is all about the mythology of Lincoln.  It's a sign! 

In other news, I'm doing some temp work, at a place called KaBOOM! (they promote community-built playgrounds - awesome!) which is proving to be more involved than temp work, but that's ok - it's keeping me very, very busy.  Also: money!  This office is super colorful, and there are pots of plastic grass everywhere. 

I love my plastic grass.  I swear it looks real.  It is right next to my monitor, and it's not as if there are not 5 other pots within easy reach, but this pot does not have a pinwheel in it, and I love it.

I could put some "new growth" spin on it, but I won't.  I like it because it's springtime-y and green and fun.  At this point, I'm enjoying simplicity (and, apparently, kitsch!) and it makes things fun.

Tomorrow is the Washington D.C. area Christian Science Summit.  I'm excited, and I have one of my my friends that I met at the Chicago Summit in town, so I will have a buddy.   Here's hoping for good lectures and regular sodas!

cute grass

1 comment:

Annie said...

Welcome to the 'Boom, baby!