The little picture on the table in my bedroom was taken when you were about 1 year. It is a favorite of mine as you project such happiness and wonder, sort of like you just can't wait to see what lies ahead.You have a wonderful sense of family and such appreciation for all they do for, and with, you and Claire. This seems so natural to you, but I can't stress how important this is over the years to come. So many families find this really difficult so what a blessing we have in our closeness and mutual support.As you contemplate graduation that ole devil anxiety will try to intrude, saying "What will I do now?" Well, as Mrs E. says, "Stand porter at the door of thought --." It has no right to enter your mental home for you have a God given right to know the next step even if it seems remote at present. And remember to look for opening doors for one will open at each stage of your experience and more often than not at the same time that a door is closing.
cherry blossom-time
unexpected beauty in the wilderness
This photograph makes me so happy. I took it in Berkeley, when Mum & I went to visit a friend of mine, who works in an outdoor flower shop. It was so full of color, and bunched together in mildly haphazard ways that it made me smile.
I like to have a little bit of California spring as I'm waiting for spring to arrive here in Virginia. Fortunately, the past few days have been promising, and all the pear and cherry trees have begun to bloom, including the tiny ones on my little street.
Spring has always been a time of change for me, as it meant a sad goodbye to college friends, and a joyous reunion with family, but now it is even more.
I have had my time in the wilderness.
WILDERNESS. Loneliness, doubt; darkness. Spontaneity of thought & idea; the vestibule in which a material sense of things disappears, and spiritual sense unfolds the great facts of existence. --S&H p. 597
I like the double definitions (they crop up occasionally) because it makes you re-think a situation. Yes, the first thought when you're thrown into the wilderness is those senses of loneliness, doubt and darkness. But -- and this shows up someone is sent into the wilderness is in the Bible (Hagar, Exodus, Jacob, David, Jesus... to name a few), all ones needs are provided for.
And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared of God -- Rev. 12:6
Once those needs are provided for (which removes the fear), this second half of the definition comes up. It provides this space -- vestibule! -- for that spontaneity of thought. A few months ago, this idea popped into my head that, during this time of wilderness, I should not be asking: What am I missing? but instead: What am I now being given the opportunity to do?
I'm not saying I'm completely without fear of the future. I almost broke down, very scared, in the shower yesterday. The wilderness is not meant to be easy. It is still meant to be a time of trials, but trials that lead to a greater understanding. I just have to remember to trust.
The proverbial seeds sown all along the road include the seeds that fall into good soil and bear fruit "an hundredfold," but it is only with patience that they bring forth fruit.
trips north & south and into space
why I hate historic films
a bit of chinatown, a wedding, and lots of friends
riding on the side of the trolley.
So today was actually day 2 of my trip to San Francisco -- which I claimed was my first, but realized that I'd actually been before -- and it was fantastic.
I like you STOP
adventures in metro
At this point, I was told that I needed to get back on the train and transfer at another station. Odd, but I follow directions well. Exiting at the other station, I headed up to where my train should have been, to wait for the transfer. Imagine my surprise when a station officer comes over to me and -- while I recount my past half-hour of transfering -- is absolutely incredulous. What am I talking about? The Yellow Line left a half-hour ago. There is no other train.