What's frustrating to me is that the moment I think things are going incredibly well -- graduate school applications are all in, did fantastically on GREs, a date with a boy -- it flies up in my face.
Well, not the latter two. I still have a date for tomorrow (more later) and my GRE scores still stand. However, I've received my second rejection letter from a graduate school. Sadly: my top choice. I am still waiting for 2 more letters. We shall see.
That being said, I received the (terse) letter, and promptly shouted (I was alone in the house): Ok, God, if this isn't where I'm supposed to go, you probably have something fantastic cooked up! Don't be fooled, it was said in frustration, but it was literally the first thought that crossed my mind. The second: Read your Lesson.
I can take a hint.
So the Lesson -- for those non-Christian Scientists, its a selection of readings from the Bible and a book by our founder, called Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures -- this week is on Man, so already a winner. It's also all about light, and moving out from the darkness, and shining.
Some excerpts:
The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. -- Romans 13:12
If we wish to follow Christ, Truth, it must be in the way of God's appointing. -- S&H 326:3
It really brought home the fact that, no matter what I think my path should be, God knows what it is. This is not to say I accept this wholeheartedly. No matter how logical I think "trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5) is, because I have seen it work, it takes something more to hand all those feelings and expectations over to God.
I'm workin' on it.
Now, I'm just going to head to bed, listen to the rainstorm outside, and count down the hours until tomorrow -- the National Gallery awaits!